Camping in a caravan, tent or motorhome in Tuscany: a certain idea of la Dolce Vita

Rédigé le 02/06/2021
We Love Camping

Tuscany. The name alone evokes a certain sweetness of life with the scent of summer evenings. The name alone evokes a certain sweetness of life with the scent of summer evenings, and images of hills covered with vineyards and olive trees, medieval villages that wrap around Romanesque chapels and sumptuous cities where the greatest artists of the Renaissance expressed their inspiration in the marble of palaces and churches. Forget about watches and GPS on your camping holiday in Tuscany. You need to be able to get lost on the small roads of the Tuscan countryside to fully appreciate this little corner of Italy.

firenze, city of arts

The biggest problem on your first camping holiday in Tuscany is how to reconcile the desire to take your time and enjoy the gentle way of life that pervades the whole region, strolling through the colourful markets or sipping a glass of chianti in the shade of an olive tree in the cobbled piazza of a medieval village, with the desire to see as much as possible. For a long time now, Tuscany has been a land of artists. And few places in the world can boast such a wealth of masterpieces. Its cities, in particular, contain architectural treasures left over from the great hours of the Middle Ages and especially from the Italian Renaissance. Here, each façade, each fountain or each church is a source of wonder. It must be said that in the 14th and 15th centuries, when Italian art was lighting up Europe, Tuscany was home to, or saw the passing of, all the greatest creators of the time. Sculptors, painters or architects, all seem to have made an appointment to turn the region into a real museum. If all the cities can boast one or more monuments of great beauty, our preference is for Firenze, Pisa or Siena. Firenze is the jewel of the region. The entire city is a veritable museum with some of the most spectacular Renaissance monuments and the world’s finest collection of Renaissance and medieval paintings. Here, the glorious past of the city where the Medici ruled is present at every corner. Its cathedral, with its sumptuous pink, white and green marble façade, is one of the most famous monuments in the country, and the Palazzio Vecchio, the city’s traditional seat of government, offers a glimpse of 14th-century Florentine magnificence. Such a profusion of masterpieces has one unfortunate consequence, however: the influx of tourists from all over the world. For these must-see sites, remember to book your place in advance.

pisa, a leaning city

In Pisa, the Piazza dei Miracoli, dominated by the famous Leaning Tower, has a cathedral (Duomo) which was once the largest in Europe. Its facade, with its green and ivory marble stripes, served as a model for the Romanesque churches of Tuscany. If you look closely at the city, you will be surprised to discover that, although it owes its reputation to its tower, it is the whole city that is leaning. The soil of the city is in fact composed of a mixture of sand and clay which makes it particularly loose. The medieval architects did not take this into account. Thus, without reaching the inclination of the tower, the Duomo or the Palazzo Agostini also lean. So do many of the bell towers in Pisa. But this does not detract from their majesty.

Siena, medieval city famous for its Palio

Siena, on the other hand, is a medieval city where Gothic triumphs over Renaissance art. Its cathedral, in particular, is a jewel of its kind. However, the main interest of the city lies in its maze of cobbled streets and its historic centre, where traffic is prohibited wherever possible. If Siena can be visited at any time of the year with the same pleasure, discovering the city during the Palio, its mythical horse race where the different districts of Siena compete, is a unique experience. For those who are not afraid of crowds!

tuscany, land of good food

Alongside these large towns, Tuscany has a multitude of small towns and medieval villages, often perched on the hills. Although their architectural interest is more or less great, they often have a more authentic charm than the large Tuscan cities. However, towns and villages are only one of the many aspects of Tuscany. You have to leave them to discover the rich countryside where vines and olive trees are grown. For the land is an essential element of Tuscan culture. It is synonymous with good things. The region has 8 DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita) wines, including the famous Chianti. But don’t hesitate to move away from these most famous appellations and try some of the less prestigious wines, which hold some tasty surprises, especially off the Etruscan coast, south of Livorno.

Nature tuscany

Because of the exceptional artistic heritage of its cities or the finesse of its agricultural production, we often tend to forget that Tuscany is also a region where nature holds an important place. This small piece of Italy has three national parks: the Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi (the largest and best preserved forest in Italy), the Parco Nazionale den Apenino Tocano Emiliano (which encompasses the Apennines) and the Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago Toscano, the largest marine park in Italy. According to legend, Venus was born in the latter, throwing jewels into the sea on occasion. These would have become the islands of the archipelago off Piombino, the largest being the island of Elba. He reminds us that Tuscany has a large coastline dotted with Etruscan archaeological sites and seaside resorts where it is good to come and bask in the sun and taste some seafood specialities.

our campsites for caravan, tent or motorhome in Tuscany

We offer you a selection of campsites in Tuscany for your holiday in a caravan, tent or motorhome.

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